輕胖企鵝與好萊塢經紀公司簽署代表協議拓展在電影、電視和遊戲領域的品牌和受眾。新的區塊鏈遊戲工作室Bitblox在Solana的HxroNetwork推出一系列Web3賭博遊戲。PalmNFTStudio透過EpicGames的UnrealEngine推出了一種新工具,使創作者能夠製作生成式的“遊戲就緒”3D資產和藝術收藏品。Cryptoys揭示即將在Flow區塊鏈上推出《星球大戰》數字收藏品,其中包括重大NFT專案,如NBATopShot。肯亞的立法者正在考慮在加密貨幣和NFT轉移上徵收3%的稅和線上內容上徵收15%的稅。一名曾被指控在OpenSea內幕交易NFT的前經理於5月3日在紐約聯邦法院被判有罪,罪名包括電信欺詐和洗錢。NFT創作者JosieBellini希望上傳她的大腦,以便能夠永遠活著。文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: 矮胖企鵝與WME簽約, Bitblox開發網頁3賭博遊戲等更多消息。
- Blockchain: A decentralized digital ledger technology used to record transactions and store data in a secure and transparent manner.
- Web3: The next iteration of the internet, which aims to be more decentralized and user-owned.
- Solana: A high-performance blockchain network designed for scalable and fast decentralized applications and transactions.
- NFT: Non-fungible tokens are unique digital assets that are verified on a blockchain and can represent anything from art, music, to virtual real estate.
- Flow: A blockchain network that is purpose-built for NFTs and high-performance applications.
- Tax: A mandatory financial charge imposed by the government on transactions and other forms of income.
- Wire fraud: The use of electronic means to deceive someone for financial gain or to harm them.
- Money laundering: The process of disguising the proceeds of illegal activities as legitimate funds.
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