
BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: Filecoin Q3狀態報告:活躍交易增長45%,儲存利用率近13%


  • Filecoin: Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that allows users to store, retrieve, and share data on a blockchain-based network.
  • 儲存市場 (Storage market): The storage market refers to the market where users can buy and sell storage space on the Filecoin network.
  • 活躍交易 (Active transactions): Active transactions refer to the number of transactions that took place on the Filecoin network during a specific period of time.
  • 儲存利用率 (Storage utilization): Storage utilization measures how much of the available storage capacity on the Filecoin network is being used by users.
  • 儲存容量 (Storage capacity): Storage capacity refers to the total amount of storage space available on the Filecoin network.
  • 同比增長 (Year-over-year growth): Year-over-year growth compares the current value of a metric to its value from the same period in the previous year to measure how much it has changed.
  • 加密貨幣專業術語 (Cryptocurrency jargon): Cryptocurrency jargon refers to specific terms or phrases that are commonly used in the cryptocurrency industry.

Filecoin Q3狀態報告:活躍交易增長45%,儲存利用率近13%

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