Zcash釋出軟體版本5.5.0,增加比例費用系統以處理重疊的交易負荷,同時為基金可用性功能奠定基礎,該功能允許使用者在錢包同步之前花費資金。Zcash使用零知識證明(ZKP)來保護交易並保持其內容在公共區塊鏈上保密。2.文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: Zcash推出V5.5.0版本,引入比例費率機制。
- Zcash: a privacy-focused blockchain
- Privacy: the state of being free from public attention or observation
- Blockchain: a digital ledger of transactions that is distributed across a network of computers
- Software version: the specific iteration of software being used or released by a company or project
- Bug fixes: repairs to coding errors or glitches in a software program
- Proportional fee system: a system that charges a fee based on the proportion of resources used by a user on a blockchain network
- Transaction load: the amount of transaction activity on a blockchain network at a given time
- Fund availability feature: a function that allows users to spend money before their wallets are fully synced
- Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs): a cryptographic technique that allows for secure communication and verification of information without revealing underlying data
- Public blockchain: a blockchain where all transaction data is visible to anyone on the network
- Encrypted: data that has been converted into a coded language to protect its confidentiality
- Electric Currency Corporation (ECC): the organization responsible for developing and maintaining Zcash
- Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs): a specific technique used by Zcash to validate transactions without revealing any information about them
- Mobile wallet: a digital wallet that can be accessed and used from a mobile device
- Single-recipient transactions: transactions where the funds are being sent to only one recipient
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