PudgyPenguins簽署代表協議以發展其品牌及在電影、電視和遊戲領域的智慧財產權;Bitblox推出新區塊鏈遊戲工作室,以SolanaHxro網路為基礎,專注於建立基於技能和速度的玩家對玩家遊戲的Web3賭博遊戲;PalmNFTStudio推出“Palm生成藝術製造商”,這是一種簡化生成“遊戲預備”3D資產和藝術收藏的工具;Kenya考慮在加密貨幣和NFT轉賬上徵收3%的稅和在線上內容盈利上徵收15%的稅,同時美國紐約聯邦法庭判決一名前OpenSea經理因電信詐騙和洗錢罪名成立。文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: 「粉胖企鵝加盟WME,Bitblox製作Web3賭博遊戲等最新資訊…」
- NFT: Non-Fungible Token – a unique digital asset representing ownership or proof of authenticity
- Web3: The next generation of the internet, focused on decentralization and the use of blockchain technology
- Blockchain: A decentralized digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent way
- Solana: A high-speed blockchain network designed for decentralized applications
- Generative Art: Art created by an automated system, using a set of rules or algorithms
- Flow Blockchain: A blockchain network designed for NFTs and digital collectibles
- Taxation: The practice of imposing a financial charge on transactions, often used by governments to raise revenue
- Monetized Online Content: Digital content that is created with the intention of generating revenue
- Wire Fraud: The use of electronic communication to illegally obtain money or property
- Money Laundering: The process of making illegally obtained funds appear legitimate by hiding their source and moving them through different accounts
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